It was picture night at Preschool. I was the first to get my pictures taken. I would not smile at the photographer. Grandma Jeanie thought the photographer could have done a better job. He only had a stuffed monkey to try and get kids to look. It took a plastic airplane for me to sit and get an
ok picture. I will post it when I get it.

Even though I was really tired I did enjoy parts of preschool. (It's from 6:00-7:30 pm).

Mom and me.

I watched Sylas play with the
guinea pig. (Grandma is in the background)

This was the group photo towards the end of class. Mom said something about herding cats... Fortunately, I wasn't the only making a lot of noise. Check out Asha in the lower right corner. It was not fun. Mom, Grandma and I left after that. I was really tired.