So Mom drags me to the local library every Tuesday morning for story time. Today was nuts, it was packed! I have never seen so many little kids and their parents jammed into this room.

Here's the librarian. I find her stuffed baby scary. I was feeling shy and just sitting on Mom's lap for the first 10 minutes.

Then, I decided to party! My buddy Kaden was there. Sure we slap each other around, but I love him.

This is so much fun! Come on Kaden, Josh, let's PARTY!

Josh is four months older than I am, but just to illustrate how tall and skinny I am....heck, I am moving into everything 2T-see you 18-24 months-Oh, check out my new camo shoes. Those are the ones we bought during the "missing lion" incident.

This is so much fun!

I'm even eating the name tags! It's not even mine, some kid named Isaac.

Ok, I need a break. The floor's getting crowded.

Oh bubbles! I am back out there! Whoo wee!

This is where it ended. This girl, picked up that pink plastic egg near my hand (It's full of beans) and clonked me in the head with it. Anyway, we checked out some books and left.