Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hello Chicago!

Sophie, Uncle Colin, Mom & I went into the city.  We took the Metro train in.  It was warm although it was before 10:00 am.
 From the train station, we walked to The Sears Tower, we passed the river.
 Here we are at the base of the Tower!
We then walked between the Sears Tower and the Hancock Tower.
I got tired and had to have a snack.
Our next stop was Millennium Park.  I was cranky.  I got annoyed with Mom because she said I was cranky!  It seemed to take forever to get to the Hancock Tower.  Fortunately, we did, but we went to the bar instead of the observation deck.

Uncle Colin and Mom liked it.  They ordered a beer!  The observation Deck is one more story up.
I got hungry and we went down to the basement where the Cheesecake Factory was.  They have a gluten free menu.
We had yo pass by this fountain to get to the Cheesecake Factory.  I got yelled at for disturbing the water.
We ate, I felt better.  We decided to head back to Oak Park!  I was so happy.
I got to ride a subway and then the El.  That was my favorite part!
Sophie and I ended the day by playing softball.  We had a lot of fun.