Thursday, April 14, 2016

What I have been up to.....

I have been busy with normal everyday things.  We did Easter at Aunt Megan's and Uncle Patrick's in West Seattle.  They had a really big egg hunt!  That's me searching...
 Here I am with all my cousins on my father's side of the family  (The Henley's)

After all the picture taking we got to go through our booty.  I couldn't eat any of the candy because they all had corn or dairy.  Mom got me some candy from Starbuck's.  After Easter, my dojo was training for a competition.  I did not participate, but I helped my karate friends get ready by sparring with them.

Mom cut her hair.  I liked it better the other way, but she's still my mom.
Poppa got out of the hospital/recovery center and came over to play Bocce Balls.  We played around the yard.

School is going well.  I tested into the highly capable program.  On "choice day", I am taking Maker's.  We make/build stuff.

 I helped build this marble run with Seth and Andy.  Mom's in the classroom too, she helps out and teaches knitting to the kids who are interested.
My friend Andy comes home with us on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.  We do homework together and then play until his mother comes for him.  Andy also does karate with me.