Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Orange Belt!

I finally tested for my orange belt!  I am so happy!  The black stripe on my belt signifies that I have also joined the Black Belt Club.  
 The belt tests always take between an hour and a half and two hours.  We start with warm ups.
 And then we move into punching and kicking.  Below I am waiting for my turn.
 My friend Andy is showing off his punches.  
All my good friends: Andy, Arun, and Sabrina, got their yellow belts!  I plan to keep up my karate because I really enjoy it.

Orange Belt Test

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween has come again.  I  enjoy being scary things for Halloween.  This year I wanted to be Slender man.  He's a creepy monster guy that haunts the woods and feeds off children's souls.

 Slender man is missing his face.
I was invited to a Halloween party this year.  Sylas hosted.  Most of the school was there.  I really enjoyed playing with my friends in the dark.

 Sylas was a vampire.

We all went Trick or Treating as a group in Burien.  I got bored after 5 houses and told Mom that I wanted to go back to my neighborhood.  When we got home I decided I was done.  
Fortunately, I got to see Lilly, the girl next door.  We got a couple of pictures.
I decided that I was DONE with Trick or Treating for good.  I find it boring.