Saturday, June 30, 2012

First performance!

I was one of the crabs in "Alice's Adventure's in wonderland"-this is the dress rehearsal.

Waiting for curtain call....

After my performance I had to wait around to practice "curtain call". I decided to continue dancing!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Family Party

So the birthday weekend is finally over.  Aunt Megan threw me a family party today.  I got to see my cousins.
As soon as I got there, I asked Aunt Megan IF she had a present for me.  She said yes, but that I had to wait.
I played ping pong with Paxton & Dad.
Drew with Maddox.
Shucked corn with Ali, Paxton, and Dad.
Finally they sang Happy Birthday!  I got a Hex Bug toy from Aunt Megan, A book and puzzles from Diane and a fondue set from Uncle Patrick.  It had little forks in it that looked like great weapons!
The birthday is all over.  Now I have to settle in for the long wait until Christmas.  Dad tells me that Santa watches me from the X box Kinect device.  I am not sure to believe him or not.......

Zombie Escape Party

My party was on June 9th.  Nine friends were invited.  I really wanted a zombie themed party.  It wasn't raining-that's all Mom cared about. (It has been raining A LOT, even for Seattle)
Zombie Chuck was outside to greet my friends.

The zombie decorations were up in the inside.....
Even the cookies were zombie themed.

My Dad set up an obstacle course all around the house.
There I am on the high catwalk.
Jumping from the trapeze!
We had eyeball cupcakes.  I really did not like the taste......BUT I did like opening the presents.  I got lots of Hex Bugs and some Legos from my friends.  Most of all, I really had a good time running around with my friends.

Birthday-the big 5

I turned 5 on June 7th.  I woke up and got to open the present from my parents.  They gave me one smallish box.  I opened it and set it aside and asked if there was more? (They said no)  My Dad asked me if I knew what was in the box.  I told him yes.  "Are you sure?"  He asked.  Dad opened the box to show me a Nintendo DS with a Super Mario game.  Then I really liked it.
"What Mom?  Did you say something?  I was too busy playing Mario to hear you."

My birthday day was miserable weatherwise.  It was cold and rainy.  Mom informed me that I had an appointment at the local beauty salon.  I got my hair trimmed-I still wanted it on the long side.

Poppa and Grandma Jeanie came over int he evening.  They brought me a Marble works which, I also love.