Monday, April 16, 2012

Marine View Park

This park is a hidden treasure in Normandy Park, Washington.  It's close by and it has a STEEP walk down to the Sound-so it's not for the faint of heart.  Dad thought it would be fun to go back to this park, since we haven't been there for awhile.
There were a bunch of new driftwood signs.  They were very artistic.  We decided to take the trail down instead of following the main path.
Una & Lily came too.
Views while going down.
We threw some rocks on the beach.  The dogs like chasing broken shells (they aren't very smart).
Going back up to the car is the hard part.  But it is a really good work out, and there are lots of benches on the way.  Remember to bring some water.  Mom, Dad, the dogs and I, all needed  a good drink.