Thursday, March 22, 2012

I dressed myself!

Earlier this week I declared to my parents that I was going to pick out my outfit for the day AND get into it.  I chose this lovely combination.  Tie dye & camo print.
I am not sure if you noticed the pant detail...backward!
I told Mom that it was fine and I wanted it to stay the way it was.
I'm coming, not going!
And even my underpants are backward.  Mom bought me some Lego Star Wars underpants.  Half of them had all over patterns while the other half have plain fronts and great pictures on the back. I decided to wear one of these backwards so I can see the picture.  It all makes sense.
Why would I want to hide all that awesomeness on my butt?
The rain has stopped for two days, so we decided to walk to the park at school today.  I'm sure we all needed to get the indoor "crazy" out.  I am walking in front of the gate, next to Porter in the tan pants.
Mom knit this princess hat for my friend Madeleine at school.  She's a nice girl that actually asked Mom what her name was and remembers it.  Mom posts all of her projects on a worldwide knitting/crochet site.  I have to model most of the kid's stuff.

Also-I did much better in dance class this week.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Unfocused in Dance

Last night in dance, parents were allowed to come in and watch.  I didn't do too well.  I was all over the place and not being a very good listener.  Miss Hightower was surprised at my behavior.  (Little do I know it, but Mom plans to have a little talk with me before next week's lesson.)
I played with my shirt.
When we got are scarves to dance with, I kept throwing mine on the floor and jumping on it.  It would make me wipe out.  I thought it was very entertaining.
Hamming it up in front of Mom.
My tap dancing was worse.  See the next video.  All the parents agreed that we were improving as a group and are looking forward to our on stage performance on June 29th.

Opposed to Tap Dancing!

Since I was being unfocused.  I spent the last 5 minutes of class being resistant to what Miss Hightower asked. I wouldn't tap, I wouldn't put my hands where they belong, and I picked my nose.  My gosh, I was naughty.

4's School Picture

Finally!  My fourth School picture.  I have been practicing my smile.  Mom has me in the Ron Weasley sweater that she knit for me several years ago.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

First Show & Tell!

I brought two Lego minifigs of my own design to school yesterday to share them with my friends.  Here's how it went.......

Starting to read.

I have known the alphabet for several years and have learned the sounds that each letter makes.  Finally, I am starting to take that leap of looking at letters and making their sounds.  This started in Teacher Shannon's class at Darcy Read Co-op.  My parents are making me do it at home.

The Rest of February

I got the stomach flu right after dance class on Thursday evening (February 16th-ish).  I threw up an awful lot.  The only thing that I could keep down was my Lego icemen.  The next day, I sat on the couch and watched TV.  Mom was amazed because I rarely sit to watch anything.
Fortunately, I recovered in time to take my 4's class photos.  Mom can't wait to see the finished product.  That's me in the 'R' sweater.