Monday, August 29, 2011

Dirt Beard

Check this out!  Not sure how I did it, but I gave myself a dirt beard!  Looks good!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cheaking out my Grandparents new neighborhood

I rode in the wagon while my parents walked around.  The mornings are cool.
We checked out the "flying saucer".
I really enjoyed this bouncing bridge.
And this roller slide was really interesting, but, it hurt my butt!
Tha tha and Judy's new house.
Since the local pool was closed (school had started), I ran through Grandma's sprinkler.

Visiting Davis

We flew to Davis to see Tha-tha and Grandma Judy and their new house.  As you can see, I was really sweaty.  Hot for us in Seattle is 79 degrees, not 97 degrees, like it was in Davis.  I really liked this wagon.
We went for dinner at the Farmer's Market where we met Uncle Pete, Aunt Sheila and my cousins Surina & Maya.
I took the camera and took pictures.  Smile Dad!   Not the most flattering....
Even Mom looks like she is wilting in the heat!
What is Grandma Judy talking about?  Tha tha went to buy some Indian food.
Wow, the floor is very interesting......Mom took the camera back.

Here's Aunt Sheila and cousin Maya.  I got bored being there, so, Mom, Dad, Grandma Judy and I went back to the house.  The others followed in a bit.
Here's uncle Pete and cousin Surina.  I love her.  She showed me the robot dance.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Non -Sick August

I like to wear Mom's gardening hat.
I wear my sun hat a lot too.  I like eating blue popsicles as you can see...
Mom is making me write in a work book.  I'm not thrilled about it.
Action shot of me jumping off a table at the Farmer's Market by Poppa.
I helped Mom paint the deck.  I did a really good job.
I had to wear a big shirt that was like a dress.  I covered a lot of rails with with paint.  Mom was really grateful.

Painting the Deck

Summer sickness.....uhg

I woke up with a fever on Friday, copious amounts of snot and little energy. (Ok this picture of me the night before-it came on quite quickly.)
Mom thinks she's tired here...little does she know that I gave it to her too and she will get a sinus infection.
  Our illnesses took almost two weeks to get over.
I played with my play mobile and legos a lot.

Cougar Mountain Zoo

Mom and another Mom (Michelle) decided to take Koen & I to a little zoo in Issaquah.  I think the zoo had more bronze animals than real animals!  Ok, they did have a lot of parrots and a white tiger.  That's Koen in the blue, a friend from preschool.

More bronze animals.
They DID have Alpaca's that would eat pellets out of my hands.  Koen & I really liked that.
They also were a refuge for a lot of parrots.  I liked looking at them, but I thought they looked a little bit angry.

We talked to them.
It was ok.  The concessions were weak, and it was a hot day for the Seattle area.
Little did I know that I would wake up sick the next day.

Good Bye Pasta!

On August 1, 2011.  Mom took Pasta to the vet to have her put down.  The "bump" on her head got a lot worse in the month of July.  This is a photo of Pasta in early June.  She was 17 years old, and went to the dog park  up until a month before her "death".  It's weird only having two dogs now.