Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween-Not so fun

Halloween wasn't so great this year.  My favorite part of the day was seeing Kinsey, (Joan's dog) in her Halloween costume.
I thought this dog was so cute.  I hope Santa brings me a little dog like this.
 Before we went Trick-or-Treating, we had to drop Grandma Judy off at the PC ER for testing.  I had my kitty bag from last year.
 It was cool, but my costume was warm.
We got to down town Park City right before Trick-or-Treating started.  It got really crowded.
 I held onto Mom's hand so she had a hard time taking pictures.
 See what I mean about the crowds?
It was fun, but I only lasted 49 minutes and I told Mom that I was done.  Later Grandma Judy was transferred to the University of Utah hospital.  It turned out that she was ok and released on Tuesday, November 2nd.