Monday, September 20, 2010

Bowling with Nobu

Nobu met me at the Bowling Alley on Saturday morning.  They have $2 games & shoes, so it makes it very fun and affordable.

We had a good time, but two games were the limit of our attention span.  Nobu liked the ramp.  He had never bowled with one before.
Mom and I are getting ready for Halloween.  We made this scary house.  Mom is amazed how the Halloween stuff has made it into the stores but is quickly being pushed out by Christmas!  She is amazed because it is only September.
I strangely like this skull, but don't want to get too close to it.  It makes some scary noises.

Darcy Read Cooperative Preschool-Year 3

Finally, a friend at school that likes to take pictures like me!  This is going to be a good year.  I am happy to be back after a long summer.  The class is full and we have seven new kids this fall.
Masterpieces from my last class.  I think the gingerbread man is a self portrait.  Notice the five eyes.
As much as I like to do art, I really enjoy the water table and the slide.
It's going to be a good year.  Oh, and I'm in Spanish class on Monday's.  I will highlight school events throughout the year.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I think this is really funny when my shirt gets stuck on my head.  Oh, I fell I on my face earlier this week and got this big scab.
Aunt Megan & Uncle Patrick announced that they were having a baby boy this past week.  Presently, that means NOTHING to me.  But I had a really fun time with my older cousins Allie & Paxton.  I got to eat dinner sitting between them.

I started the 3's class this week.  I love school.  I will dedicate a posting to it as soon as my photographer remembers her camera.  She forgot today...."Tomorrow"  she promises.
This is me at the dog park, I was able to give Una some water from the rain barrels because it has been raining.  We took Una to the vet.  She has gained three pounds, so we have to put her on a diet.
Dad has been declared by a doctor that he is NOT allergic to wheat.  We are still eating like he is though, because wheat makes him feel terrible.  Above Mom and I made some rice flour sugar cookies.  They turned out really well-they taste like good cookies.  More later.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rainbow Bowling

To celebrate the completion of my potty training, my folks promised me that I could bowl in the rainbow part of the bowling alley.  Lanes with this cool lighting are paid for by the hour, not the game.  I had a whole hour to myself.
The lights on the bowling pins constantly changed to different colors of the rainbow.  Dad also helped me get a collection of balls.  Also, I got to pick which channel I wanted on the big screen-I picked Nick Jr.
I had a really good time, I hope to do this again.

Precursor to Christmas Card

This is a small look into what the Christmas Card might be this December.  I couldn't help but try to sit on Rudolph. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold my weight.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This might be loud, so turn down your volume....

I saw one of these dance games at the Bowling Alley in Park City, so when I saw it unused at my local bowling alley-I did what needed to be done.  And that's to dance!!!!