Thursday, June 17, 2010

This Tuesday I went bowling with my friends.  My Mom figured out that IF I have to wait too long, I lose T-ball.  I am also posing with my new Wall-E stuffie from my birthday.  I also like sticking my tongue out for pictures.

I have been slightly interested in gardening.  I like to water things...

I went to the Tacoma Zoo on Saturday.  It was one of the first days that felt like summer around here.  It has been cold.  Mom and I met Kaden & his parents there.
Kaden and I ran around a grassy area.
I wanted Mom to take my picture in all these funny things.  Here I am in a "flower".
A baby bird in a nest!
And here I am with the Lemurs.....
Mom mentioned to me that the blog site has changed.  She's getting used to the new stuff, so bear with her if things seem a little awkward.  Thanks.