Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cold Summer

I still love playing with my match box/hot wheels cars.  Look!   Th e flames make a halo!

I love running in circles with my friends.....

And playing hide-and-go-seek with Dad.  I have a tendency of jumping out and saying "Here I am!" right after he says:"Ready or not, here I come!"
Summer has been on the cool side, but still a lot of fun.

Small Barista

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This Tuesday I went bowling with my friends.  My Mom figured out that IF I have to wait too long, I lose T-ball.  I am also posing with my new Wall-E stuffie from my birthday.  I also like sticking my tongue out for pictures.

I have been slightly interested in gardening.  I like to water things...

I went to the Tacoma Zoo on Saturday.  It was one of the first days that felt like summer around here.  It has been cold.  Mom and I met Kaden & his parents there.
Kaden and I ran around a grassy area.
I wanted Mom to take my picture in all these funny things.  Here I am in a "flower".
A baby bird in a nest!
And here I am with the Lemurs.....
Mom mentioned to me that the blog site has changed.  She's getting used to the new stuff, so bear with her if things seem a little awkward.  Thanks.

Birthday! June 7th

My Birthday Party was at the Bouncy Place in Kent.  It was a kid event.  I got to invite all my friends from the neighborhood and school.  It was fun!

All four of my grandparents came too!

I had a Wall-e cake.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the bouncing and then the following sugar high.  It was all done it two hours. A whirlwind of partying.

These were all the great gifts I got to open later.  I LIKE birthdays.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Almost Birthday

I got really lucky, I had all four grandparents and Aunt Megan in one room to celebrate my birthday and Grandma Judy's. We managed to have dinner, but I couldn't WAIT to open my presents.

Dad had to help me get some of the toys out of the box.
Poppa made me a bowling alley.
Eventually we got to sing "Happy Birthday". This was the nice quiet birthday on June 6th.

Goofing off

We had a great time in the bath!

I'm happy too!

Sabrina stayed an evening with us.

Sabrina spent Friday evening with us. She came to T-ball and had dinner with me and my parents. Here we are trying to blow bubbles out of the wrong end of the bubble blowers.
We actually got along really well and played very nicely together.
We jumped on my Dad!
Played in the back bedroom and.....
and ended up watching TV from the couch. Lana came to pick Sabrina up at 8:30. Sabrina is not so bad sometimes.....

T-Ball in Des Moines, WA

Friday was my first day of T-ball. We have a big team and two coaches. Dad tried to get me interested but.....
It was much more fun running to the extremes of the field.
We will try again this Friday, but I have a feeling that I will be dropping out.