Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Darcy Read Cooperative Preschool 2's Class

After being "out of it" last week with my cold, I finally had fun at school again.
I still am not a main participant of "circle time", but I wait for the good parts-like jumping over the candlestick.
Hey, what are these? View Master? Cool!!!!
I played with play dough, ran cars down this parking ramp, view masters,..what's next?
Hey Sabrina, working on a puzzle? Can I help? No?
Sabrina seemed to be doing fine without my help.
Yes! Aurelia's special day-that means cupcakes! I also like the blowing out of the candle ceremony.
I see the carrots and the crackers, but where are the cupcakes?
Playing int he rice with Cesa.
I even took a picture of Mom. Nice huh?
We ended with music time. What a good day. I get to go back tomorrow.