Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mullet, Bowl, or Shave?

Being a boy, there doesn't seem to be a lot of hair cut options out there. Of course, the hair dresser must work her magic within a matter of minutes and then it's OVER. This is how I started my day. Handsome and with a stainless steel hair clip.
I got to play in a new play area before the unhappy event.
I climbed Mount Rainier.....
Hung out in a raft with Kaden.
Then to the kid's hair cutting place. I sat in an airplane.
I cried alot!
Here's the back.
And more crying.....
Here it is. All my blonde highlights are gone, but Mom says I'll probably get more this summer. And, if I want it long again, it won't take 'long' to grow it out.