Monday, April 7, 2008

10 Months!

So, I made it as long outside the womb as inside. (Remember, I was late) Wow, who knew that my parents were competent caregivers? Some mile stones that I had last week: One was grabbing a Cheerio with my thumb and index finger and actually putting it in my own mouth! I haven't done it again. I still like making the folks feed me. Also, in this photo above I am standing on my own. That's why Dad looks so happy. He's getting a hair cut next weekend.
I am borrowing this monster truck from my friend Carson. It's pretty cool. It makes some car noises.
Dad brought out some drums. They sure were fun! I seem to be attracted to anything that makes noise.

A note on sleeping. I am now going to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening and I sleep solidly until 5 am. Unfortunately, my folks do not get me out of the crib until 6 am. I am not sure if they are trying to tell me something......