Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Goofing off!

BOO! This game is really entertaining.
Mom's so goofy, putting stuff on my head.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Utah-Trip #5

Yesterday it was back on the plane to visit Grandma Judy.
She has her arm in a cast, so we are here to keep her company, and open a few wine bottles.
Grandma Judy has tons of cool toys at her house. Tonight I played with the wooden blocks.
I even spelled my name.
I emptied all 100 of them on the floor. I pretend like I don't know how to pick them they did it! More on my trip later......

Saturday, April 26, 2008


We went swimming twice this week because Mom and I will be in Utah next Tuesday. We are at the edge of the pool hamming it up for Grandma Jeanie's camera.
We are getting ready to do a controlled jump. Notice how I stand on my tip toes.
There I am back in the water!
Grandpa Norm was there with a towel when I got out of the pool. This is where I become very dramatic. I scream my head off until I am in dry clothes ready to go home, where I have a nice, hot bath. Mom's going to try and blog in Utah. SO you my fans, will not have to wait a whole week for a new entry.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tug O War

Una is a great dog. She actually WANTS to play with me. The other two do their best to avoid me. Una brought me her sock this morning to play tug o war.
For nine and a half pounds she's pretty strong.....
it's almost like she's possessed by some demonic entity.......

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Toy Trucks! Ah ha ha.......

Surrounded by toy trucks! Dump trucks, monster trucks...... It sure beats a diaper changing.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I have a ball, and I kind of know how to use it...

Grandma Judy got me this great ball. Mom has been trying to play catch with me.
Ok, so I pick it up and throw it.....
under the TV! How was that? Maybe I need a little more practice.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Granparent Time

I get to spend an afternoon with my Grandparents, Norm & Jeanie once a week. (Notice the lovely throw on the sofa-Mom knitted that.) I always have a good time.
Oh my gosh. I am having such fun!
Hey! Aunt Megan stopped over with the twins. Aunt Megan is always so much fun.

Bye Megan! Bye big kids! I got a little more time with the grandparents before my folks picked me up.

Knitting Group

Once a week I get to hang out with the Mickelson's. Both Diane and Loren have baby magic, I like them a lot. They are Hidi's parents, or Carson's & Veta's grandparents. My Mom, Diane, Loren & Hidi work on knitting projects. Above me on the coffee table you can check out the recent felted slippers. A bunch of sweaters are being discussed for next projects as well as socks.
Mom's talking about something. Loren is in the chair sporting his new felted slippers.
Hidi is holding Veta who is showing off her new summer sweater that Diane made for her. Very nice!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Attention to Detail

I love the ears on these shoes. I can play with them for minutes!

Playing around the house

I cannot STAND these rings stacked neatly on their pole.
Who ever keeps doing it, please STOP! It drives me nuts.
Hey Mom, I was just under the sofa and I saw a ton of dog hair. Maybe you should get that.
I finally can sit on Howdy.
In case you couldn't get enough, here's the back view.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A visit from Maddie

We had a visit from Maddie and her parents tonight. They are from Portland, OR. Maddie remembers meeting me when I was only weeks old.
Maddie showed me how to ride Howdy the cow.
Maddie showed me an alternative use for that ball that you stuff shapes in.
Dads & kids only on the sofa! Una and Lily were shut in the bedroom, they bothered Maddie. I think she thought they we weird because she has a big dog.
It was a fun evening. Maddie is a very interesting big kid. I was so tired. I fell asleep minutes after Daddy put me to bed.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hanging with the Cramers

This is my friend Carson. He's a year older, but I am hoping that we can have good times in the future. Carson is lucky, he has an awesome yard to play in. His folks Hidi & Casey did a lot of work on it last fall.
I got to swing in Carson's swing.
Ok. I get it!
This is Hidi and Baby Veta. Veta is Carson's little sister and possibly, a future girlfriend.
Mom got to feel what it's like to have two babies. Her lap was full. I had a nice time being outside. Spring is definitely better than winter.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Busy Day

I started the day on the computer. Making the ducks go "quack".
Met my friend Ian at Starbucks for a tall decaf formula. Hey Ian! Ian I am over here, on the other side of you. Ian! Look at me!
Mom, what's this little box you are always holding? We looked at scooters at Babies R Us.
Back at home for a snack before we collar up the dogs for the dog park. Mom doesn't know it yet, but I just pooped my pants. Don't worry, she will smell it.
I love smacking this butterfly. More later.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Des Moines Marina

Hi! I thought that I would show a little of my town. Des Moines is located half way between Seattle & Tacoma on Puget Sound. We have a marina here, the only one between the two cities and Grandma Jeanie happens to work in the Harbor Master's Office. On foggy mornings, we can hear the fog horns from the sound at our house and sometimes even smell the salt water.
Here's part of the marina and Vashon Island is beyond.
Grandma Jeanie was on her lunch break, so we went for a short walk.
Looks like it's low tide today. View to the north.
View to the south. I started getting crabby, so went back to the Harbor Master's office for a bottle.