Friday, February 29, 2008

9 month check up

I went to see Dr. Elahi this morning. I weigh 19 lbs, 12 oz. and I am 29" long. I am actually in the 40th percentile for weight and 75th percentile in length. Mother was surprised, she thought for sure that my weight was in a higher percentile. I got a flu shot and they took some blood. Glad that's over with. I am ready to do something fun today.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Solid Foods!

I ate this earlier this week! It's a solid piece of food!
This is a recreation of eating a solid piece of food-since the original photo wasn't so hot. I am slobbering on a banana puff by Gerber. It dissolves in the mouth. I have also been enjoying some Yo-Baby yogurt. Yesterday I licked some butter off my Daddy's bread.
I am learning to play tug-o-war with Una.
She keeps winning. She is very strong for a 9 lb dog.
But I have fun playing with her anyway.
See you soon.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More Hair & Dog Park

Dad tried to put me to sleep last night, but what he doesn't understand is that I need a certain amount of hair or fur to do the job. Dad's dark brown locks did not have that certain night time magic that I look for, fortunately, I found it nearby in Lily.
To fufill my fur fetish, my folks bought me this lion. I love the feel of his flaming orange mane.
Using the Bjorn cam, this was my visit to the Dog Park today. (I do this daily.) I wear my dog hat so I fit in.
This is Una, my only dog that fetches-she's waiting for the ball. By the time we left the park, she was crusted in mud. Anyway, so long for now.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hair Update

Dad finally scanned in this Christmas photo. Grandma Jeanie took me to see Santa way back in December. I really liked his beard. It took a little finessing to remove me from the beard. I think this is where my fondness for hair started.....

I got Elmo the last time I went to Utah. He's nice and furry, just like Daddy's chest hair. My favorite is still pulling Mom's hair.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Eight Months!

While in Utah, I got the great experience of being photographed by Todd Schmidt, a neighbor of my grandparents. Todd is very talented with the camera and with photoshop. He is composing a photograph that will be titled Swiss Miss-ter, as named by Todd's girlfriend, Pam. This is the start of it. There will be mountains in the back ground.... Tha tha and Grandma Judy bought me this pair of lederhosen on their last trip to Switzerland.
This is one of Todd's nature shots. A red squirrel lives behind his house. A talented guy.
I got this great outfit from Elsa, Magnus and Maia. I love this train....
I also get a lot of notice when I wear this hat out. Aunt Megan gave it to me for Christmas.
My father wanted to give this photo a title that Mom didn't think was appropriate. Let's just say that I am still trying new things.....

Snow, snow, snow.....

There was a lot of snow in Park City! This is a view out of Grandma Judy's and Tha tha's front window. You couldn't see cars driving in front of the house because the snow banks were very high!
This is my great Aunt Jackie. She made that great sweater I wore in my Seven Month picture.
This is my Great Uncle Ron. He's ok!
Great Aunt Sandra says that she doesn't have baby magic. I thinks she's wrong.
Oh flying. This is my 10th flight. I am going back home to see Dad. I did not sleep the entire way home, but I did not scream my head off either.