Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Water Land Parade 2015!

The 3rd weekend of July, Des Moines puts on the Water Land Parade as a sub-event during Seattle's SeaFair festivities.  I have been going to this parade for years and I have always enjoyed it.  My parents and I walk the 1-1/2 miles to get there.
 Rowan under a Rowan Tree or an Eastern Mountain Ash!

 Santa in summer
 Dad and I in front of the Scotch and the Vine.
 A bunch of guys balancing on top of each other while riding a motorcycle!
 The SeaFair Pirates!  They always shoot their little cannon!

I got kind of hot and hungry.  I wasn't excited about the food at the Scotch and the Vine.  It's a little too grown up for my taste.  I wasn't as excited about the parade this year.