Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A local Lego Store! Finally!

My local mall (South Center in Tukwilla) just opened a Lego Store!  No more driving to Bellevue!
 They were having a mega build, where we could help the Lego experts build the HULK!
 Mom, Dad, and myself all made a green jumbo brick.

 Here is the hulk the two lego master builders were working on, and a piece of it is mine!

Water Land Parade 2015!

The 3rd weekend of July, Des Moines puts on the Water Land Parade as a sub-event during Seattle's SeaFair festivities.  I have been going to this parade for years and I have always enjoyed it.  My parents and I walk the 1-1/2 miles to get there.
 Rowan under a Rowan Tree or an Eastern Mountain Ash!

 Santa in summer
 Dad and I in front of the Scotch and the Vine.
 A bunch of guys balancing on top of each other while riding a motorcycle!
 The SeaFair Pirates!  They always shoot their little cannon!

I got kind of hot and hungry.  I wasn't excited about the food at the Scotch and the Vine.  It's a little too grown up for my taste.  I wasn't as excited about the parade this year.

A puzzle geocache...

Dad informed me that there are several types of geocaches.  Most are:  Go to the coordinates and look around!  Recently we did a puzzle geocache at Landmark On the Sound, which was a retirement home for Masons.  Presently, the location is empty.....
We had to go to several locations on the property to find our next clue...

There was a number on the date on the sun dial...
How many triangular bronze plaques.....my parents were concerned that this plaque was probably stolen...
Another number on the front of the building and we had our coordinates for the geocache!

It took us a little while to find it.  The clue:  "Where post meets Salal" really helped.

There is was tucked away.  Magnets sure helped keeping this cache hidden.  I signed my name and we went home.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Swimming again! Mt. Rainier Pool

 At the end of June, my friend Sabrina invited me to open swim.  After a year and a half, I got back into the local pool (Mt. Rainier Pool).  My parents asked if I wanted to start taking lessons again and I thought that was a great idea.  When I stopped swimming in December of 2013, I was level 4.  I had to do a test to see what level I was in now-I dropped back to level 2.  I was disappointed that I had forgotten so much, but my parents pep talked me into starting again.  After three days of lessons, I was back up to level 3!
My newest teacher, Aaron, is very technical and has helped me with my speed and better breathing.  That's me in the middle lane!  I can swim the deep end much faster now!
Mom takes me to the pool every morning.  Sometimes I meet Sabrina for open swim later.
We both like swimming in the deep end.