Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mock Trial at the Burien Courthouse

During the month of May, our school has been learning about the government (remember the Capitol?)  Today, our whole school did a mock trial of The Three Bears vs Goldilocks.  Goldilocks was on trial for bad behavior!  But first, we had to walk to the courthouse.

 We had to go through a metal detector.  The Mom's took longer than the kids.
 The defendants. (Left to Right) Goldilock's mother, Goldilocks, and their attorney.
(Left to Right) Momma Bear, Poppa Bear, Baby Bear, and me, their attorney.
 Malia is the judge and she actually has the robe!
 The Plantiffs and Defendants, ready for action!
 The Coho Room sat in the jury.

 I opened the questioning staring with Momma Bear.  She is on the witness stand.
  Then I had Poppa Bear and Baby Bear.

 Goldilocks got sworn in.  After all the questions were asked the jury retired to another room to deliberate.  They finally came back in.
 Goldilocks was found to be innocent of bad behavior!!!!!  I was surprised.
This was a lot of fun and it was neat that we got to use a real courtroom!