Friday, October 24, 2014

Marra Farm

Marra Farm is an urban farm located in south Seattle.  Our whole school went yesterday morning in the rain.
We all met up under a shelter.
Sylas and I goofed around with his hat.
We learned that Marra Farm grows food for poor people and it provides land for others to grow their own vegetables.
We all got to harvest a carrot.  Mine is in the lower left corner.
I had to clean my carrot before I could eat it.
It was really wrinkly and I had a hard time getting the dirt off.  I ended up not eating my carrot.  Mom did
Mom saw this cool house at the edge of the farm.
I really liked the chicken.  I got to pet it and it laid an egg.
I was ready to go after the chickens.  It kept raining, and I was done.
Here is my good friend Andy.  We left soon after this photo back to school.