Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wrapping Up 2014!

December flew by!  But here, are some of my highlights.
 Mom finished my Christmas Eve Vest.  She designed it around Sandra Jaeger's pattern of "Santa with Reindeer".  I described to Mom a quite village, snow, full moon, Santa, Mom did the rest.

 She even put a red nose on Rudolph!

 Karate has been fun!  Andy, Tyler, Elliot and I were waiting for our class.  I have learned a lot being in Black Belt Club.  Sensei told me that my sparring has improved in the last two months!
 On December 18th, I went home with my friends, Sylas & Tazmin.  I got to hold their snake!
 Christmas was quiet, but good.  I got some lego sets (The new Minecraft ones are super cool!), some books, and a tablet.

 It was good!  I am happy!
 Here is Mom's yule log, it was made of wheat.  We had all four grandparents over for dinner.
 We had a second Christmas at Aunt Megan's on the 26th.  That was fun too.  I got to play with Paxton ans Maddox.
2014 has been a really good year.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Snow in November!

 It snowed here, in the Seattle area on Saturday morning!  Mom and I got out (after she had a cup of coffee) to play in it and build a snowman.
There wasn't a lot of snow, just enough to cover the grass.  Mom made some great snow balls bur couldn't get a snowman going.  Oh well.
The dogs came with us.
After about 20 minutes the winds picked up and I was ready to head back inside!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Orange Belt!

I finally tested for my orange belt!  I am so happy!  The black stripe on my belt signifies that I have also joined the Black Belt Club.  
 The belt tests always take between an hour and a half and two hours.  We start with warm ups.
 And then we move into punching and kicking.  Below I am waiting for my turn.
 My friend Andy is showing off his punches.  
All my good friends: Andy, Arun, and Sabrina, got their yellow belts!  I plan to keep up my karate because I really enjoy it.

Orange Belt Test

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween has come again.  I  enjoy being scary things for Halloween.  This year I wanted to be Slender man.  He's a creepy monster guy that haunts the woods and feeds off children's souls.

 Slender man is missing his face.
I was invited to a Halloween party this year.  Sylas hosted.  Most of the school was there.  I really enjoyed playing with my friends in the dark.

 Sylas was a vampire.

We all went Trick or Treating as a group in Burien.  I got bored after 5 houses and told Mom that I wanted to go back to my neighborhood.  When we got home I decided I was done.  
Fortunately, I got to see Lilly, the girl next door.  We got a couple of pictures.
I decided that I was DONE with Trick or Treating for good.  I find it boring.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Marra Farm

Marra Farm is an urban farm located in south Seattle.  Our whole school went yesterday morning in the rain.
We all met up under a shelter.
Sylas and I goofed around with his hat.
We learned that Marra Farm grows food for poor people and it provides land for others to grow their own vegetables.
We all got to harvest a carrot.  Mine is in the lower left corner.
I had to clean my carrot before I could eat it.
It was really wrinkly and I had a hard time getting the dirt off.  I ended up not eating my carrot.  Mom did
Mom saw this cool house at the edge of the farm.
I really liked the chicken.  I got to pet it and it laid an egg.
I was ready to go after the chickens.  It kept raining, and I was done.
Here is my good friend Andy.  We left soon after this photo back to school.

Rowan & Sylas at Marra Farms

Friday, October 10, 2014

Adventure Park and too many princesses!

 In Disney's California Adventure there was an "Adventure Park".  I liked this place because it was for active children.  My parents liked this because it was really close to our hotel.  We got to walk on these rope floors...
 climb walls....
 and do a zip line!  Fun!
 After that, we had a Princess Lunch at Ariel's Grotto.  We did not actually  have the princesses for lunch, they just visited while we were eating.  My parent's preferred in this park because alcohol was served.

 Me and Ariel (I didn't like her movie either...)
 Here's Belle, I do like her.
 Snow is ok too.  She was stupid for eating that apple, fortunately, it turned out ok for her.
 Sleeping Beauty-not a favorite.  Too bad Elsa couldn't make it.....
and Cinderella.  Fortunately, it was over after an hour.