Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halloween is a comin!

By now, I am old enough to know that there is a cycle to the year.  I remember Halloween last year, and now I am starting to see more Halloween things.  My parents took me to one of these temporary Halloween Super stores.  I already have my costume, so, we just went to look.
At first, I had to "take it all in".
I really liked the zombie corner.
My parents tried really hard to get me to hug one of these super scary rats.....
This was as close as this ugly thing was going to get!
Then I had to humor my parents by trying on a bunch of hats..I just wanted to go back and look at the zombies....
This is so last year.
and another hat...
(you can tell that I wasn't into it)
Mom started singing a song from the Wizard of Oz when I tried this on.  I didn't get it.
I DID like this one!