Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halloween is a comin!

By now, I am old enough to know that there is a cycle to the year.  I remember Halloween last year, and now I am starting to see more Halloween things.  My parents took me to one of these temporary Halloween Super stores.  I already have my costume, so, we just went to look.
At first, I had to "take it all in".
I really liked the zombie corner.
My parents tried really hard to get me to hug one of these super scary rats.....
This was as close as this ugly thing was going to get!
Then I had to humor my parents by trying on a bunch of hats..I just wanted to go back and look at the zombies....
This is so last year.
and another hat...
(you can tell that I wasn't into it)
Mom started singing a song from the Wizard of Oz when I tried this on.  I didn't get it.
I DID like this one!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Starting Pre-K at Darcy Read Co-op

 September 13th was the first day of school.  The 4's class takes place in the the afternoon instead of the morning.
  I wore my school shirt and my new skull hat....
It's me, don't be afraid!
I was very industrious before school and churned out 13 sheets of turkeys.  Mom's still waiting for me to finish them.  We have faces, legs, and glitter to add.
It felt just like last year, with a few new kids and the classroom was hot.  (Southern exposure and bad insulation-like most Pacific NW buildings)
Teacher Shannon is our new Pre-K teacher.  She was going over the rules.  This year we have to raise our hand if we have something to say.
She had my attention.
I really enjoy the last part of class where we can run around and play.
We even got to play out in the hall! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Arts-a-glow. The lantern festival in Burien.

In July, my parents took me to the WaterLand Parade in downtown Des Moines.  I loved it! (Unfortunately Mom forgot the camera.)  My father hates crowds, but is willing to go if he can get a cocktail.  Tonight was no different.  Mom wanted to go and see the lanterns.  First stop was a restaurant, the Tin Room, in Old Burien.  I wanted to sit outside.  I had some ice with dinner and Dad had two "Pain Killers". 
The festival took place in the well forested park next to the Burien Comminty Center.  When we got there, we saw people blowing up clear helium balloons with lights inside them and then sending them up into the fir trees.
You can barely see the balloons, but when the sun set, they looked magical up in the trees.
All the food at the festival was free-apples, bread with jam, and tea.  The apples were great.
There were lots of lanterns, lights, & glow sticks.  A parade was going to start soon after sun down. 
This was a giant light up owl.
This is one of a dozen lanterns hung in the fir trees.
I finally made a lantern.  It took me two hours to get interested in doing so.
I put my glow stick in it.  It was pleasant.  Unfortunately, right after sunset, Dad and I were tired.  We went home missing the parade and the performance afterwards (dancing and an opera singer).  Mom plans on going again next year.

Zombies, Gryffindor, Legos & Pricess Leia. What do they have in common? Me!

Mom has started receiving costume catalogs in the mail.  I have a very strong opinion on what I will be this year for Halloween.  No more Vikings, Knights or Gnomes-this is the year of the Zombie!  I want to be a skeleton zombie.
Mom and Dad have been working on my room through out August and early September.  Mom went for a Gryffindor theme.  She painted my room gold and my furniture red.  Mom just needs to make curtains and a duvet cover.  I will show my room again when it's really done.
I have started building things with my legos.  I make environments for my mini figures.  Here is one.
and another......
I am modeling a Princess Leia hat for Lillian (the girl next door).  Mom found this pattern and thought that it was really funny.
Here is a side view so that you can see the bun better!