Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I did get to see Tha tha for a little over a day.  We don't get to spend a lot of time together, but I try to take advantage of what time there is.  Tha tha and I cleared the deck of leaves.  It was fun.  I liked helping him.

 I really wanted to jump in this pile.  Mom said no....we had to pick it. up
Back at home-Dad and I tried smashing our pumpkins (no luck).  But we found out that they weren't decayed enough to do this.  I did smash the gingerbread haunted house.....That was FUN!
I did make a new gingerbread house for Christmas and a tree.  I asked Mom if I could smash those and she said:  "In January".  Whatever that means.

More later.