As you know, I am passionate about cats, but dogs are ok. Since I have three I have to pretend that I like them. I love this dog robot shirt that Aunt Sandra and Uncle Ron sent me for Christmas. Not so much that it's a dog, but a ROBOT! My passion for robots started in February when I saw the movie "Wall-e" for the first time. My folks bought it for me on DVD and I basically watch it every evening after we get back from the park.

Mom drags me to the dog park almost every day. We see some interesting dogs and some interesting cars.....Mom wanted me to stand in front of this car to take a picture, I told her-"You want me to turn my back on THAT thing? You're crazy!"

I love going to the park when it's raining or just right after, because that means PUDDLEPOLOOZA!

I can run through them!

Look at the size of this puddle!

Look at the size of this dog! It could have me for lunch. Fortunately, Jake is really nice.