Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Darcy Read Cooperative Preschool 2's Class

After being "out of it" last week with my cold, I finally had fun at school again.
I still am not a main participant of "circle time", but I wait for the good parts-like jumping over the candlestick.
Hey, what are these? View Master? Cool!!!!
I played with play dough, ran cars down this parking ramp, view masters,..what's next?
Hey Sabrina, working on a puzzle? Can I help? No?
Sabrina seemed to be doing fine without my help.
Yes! Aurelia's special day-that means cupcakes! I also like the blowing out of the candle ceremony.
I see the carrots and the crackers, but where are the cupcakes?
Playing int he rice with Cesa.
I even took a picture of Mom. Nice huh?
We ended with music time. What a good day. I get to go back tomorrow.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bouncy Place-Birthday Party

Two weekends ago a classmate had a birthday party at the Bouncy Place. It was great! I love this place. Poppa takes me here every Friday. My parents decided to have my birthday here this year! It's soo much fun.
They have big slides!
I am bouncing with Sabrina. She likes to bounce too. Check out my hair!
Even Lana, Sabrina's Mom, was jumping.
I love the Bouncy Place, I am so glad someone invented it. I will have more on this place later.....

Starting me young-Dad's teaching me martial arts

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blue Tongue

Hanging Out

After running around the yard in the evening, Dad and I sit back and enjoy a drink and some chips.
Spring has definitely sprung.
Kaden lives nearby in a town house complex, where we have made even more friends!
Okay, Mom, it's a nice day, I think I'm a little over dressed. All the other boys are in short sleeves.
I have a really good time. Look at this action shot!
We are all about the same age.
Kelsey, another Mom was lots of fun. She sang "Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes", I love that song.
I still go to school. I like to hoard things.
Oh, this is another of my robot shirts-I love robots.

Head, Shoulds, Knees & Chalk?

Dog Park-Grand View

As you know, I am passionate about cats, but dogs are ok. Since I have three I have to pretend that I like them. I love this dog robot shirt that Aunt Sandra and Uncle Ron sent me for Christmas. Not so much that it's a dog, but a ROBOT! My passion for robots started in February when I saw the movie "Wall-e" for the first time. My folks bought it for me on DVD and I basically watch it every evening after we get back from the park.
Mom drags me to the dog park almost every day. We see some interesting dogs and some interesting cars.....Mom wanted me to stand in front of this car to take a picture, I told her-"You want me to turn my back on THAT thing? You're crazy!"
I love going to the park when it's raining or just right after, because that means PUDDLEPOLOOZA!
I can run through them!
Look at the size of this puddle!
Look at the size of this dog! It could have me for lunch. Fortunately, Jake is really nice.

Chocolate Puddle

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I have been really into building towers.
I've also been playing a lot with my vintage Little People Castle. It's from my parents childhood in the mid-1970's. They stopped making it because the skinny "little people" were chocking hazards. Fortunately, I do not put a lot of stuff in my mouth-including food.
I have all the people on top and now I am arranging the thrones.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Legos...I think I love them.

Before Easter, I did decorate some eggs.
Dad also got some new punching pads. I like to punch and kick.
I have recently gotten into legos. We bought some for a birthday present (Carson). Mom bought me a little lego car and put it together. I find them fascinating. Mom pulled out the mega blocks and I built a castle.
Check it out!


I woke up after hearing stories of some rabbit getting into the house and leaving stuff. Dad seemed confused about the location of this basket. Finally he produced it. Ok, good. There are some presents.
The rabbit knew that I liked Cars Mini Adventures. I cashed in! I got 12 new cars and a race track. I'm not really interested in candy, in fact, my dad ate most of it.
We went over to Aunt Megan's & Uncle Patrick's. I got to hang out with the twins. They are 6 and have fun things to play with.
We went on an egg hunt. Here we are waiting for the adults to get their coats on-hurry up!
We all did pretty well. Unfortunately, Easter was a cold, windy day. We did not stay out too long.

Egg Hunts & Carson's Birthday

Poppa & Jeanie took me to an egg hunt at a local nursery.
I can collect eggs like a machine.
I got the egg which had the grand prize easter basket. You'd think I'd look happier.
Later in the afternoon, Poppa & Jeanie took me to Carson's birthday party. He's cool and he turned 4. He had a super hero party. Everyone had a cape.
There was also an egg hunt.

I had a good time! I got to play with Carson & Veta's toys, and their friends.
Of course, there was cake.
I love cake! What a great day.