Thursday, December 30, 2010

I LOVE Christmas!

After waiting SO LONG for Christmas (I blame my Advent Calendar), it finally came!
Dad had to help me with some of my gifts....
but for the most part, I could handle them myself.  What a difference from last year!
I got Lego mini figures, and Play Mobile Pirates.  My favorite ones were the pirate zombies.
Uncle Colin helped me put my Legos together.
I also got a Kinect.  We all played bowling.  Grandma Jeanie & Poppa came over for Christmas dinner.
Look!  Una has glowing eyes!  Christmas was a lot of fun.  Unfortunately, I have to wait a whole year for it to come back.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jingle Bells

This was from the Secret Santa Party last week.

Sleeping Beauty

I have been pushing my bedtime back from 8:00pm to around 9:00pm.  My Dad managed to put me to sleep earlier by running his fingers through my hair. Oh, my folks got a Flip, so the resolution on this video should be better than the camera.

Playing with Dad over Thanksgiving

Dad came to Park City for Thanksgiving.  I took him to Toddler Time at the gym so that we could play.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Last Day of School 2010

I have heard from the adults that the last week of school is like the kids are all on sugar highs building up to the hysteria which are "The Holidays".  Mom worked that day and she looked wiped out after the two hours.  I did manage to sit on my bottom for most of circle time.  I am sitting on the letter 'R' between Porter & Lydia.

I played with the Duplo Blocks even though they are for babies.  I feel very mature now that I am officially 3-1/2.  I played with Porter.
We made gingerbread cookies in school.  I had a good time, but I was ready to go home at noon.
Oh hey, Mom designed the new school T-shirt.
Nearby my home is a town home community called "Hudson Ridge".  I know a lot of the little boys that live there and was invited to join in on the Secret Santa.  We had to wait for some late kids.  It was hard.
Santa finally showed up and....
I got my present.
I got a "Go Fishing" Game.  I wondered why Santa walked to the event instead of arriving in his sleigh.  Mom told me he parked it around the corner....... 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I saw Santa!

My friend Kaden went to the mall to get a picture taken with Santa of all people.  I was intrigued.  Mom took me to the mall so that I may have this experience.
As you can tell, my good friend, Kaden is used to getting his picture taken professionally.  Me?  Not so much.
There he is.  The man in red!  Mom asked me if I wanted to get my picture taken with Santa.  I told her: "No".  
I jumped around while the picture was being taken.  Kaden's parents had to be in the Santa picture too because Bianca (Kaden's little sister) kept crying.  It turned out to be a nice picture.
I took this picture while we waited for the Santa portraits to be printed.  I got the whole group.
It was a fun experience, although I would NOT speak to Santa.  I find the man intriguing, yet slightly scary.  Mom did some Christmas shopping for cousins and we went home.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Darth RoKai

I am really into Star Wars, although I am not very interested in the movies.  Mom bought me a dark bathrobe which I call my Darth Vader Cape.  My Halloween sword is my light saber.

Uncle Who?

A new family member arrived for Thanksgiving-Uncle Colin from Chicago.  I asked Mom why I've never seen him before.  After spending a half hour with Uncle Colin, I told him that I loved him.  He seems to know what little boys really like.
After the blizzard on November 23rd, it got really cold here.  We've spent a lot of time indoors.
I am modeling my new custom knit hat-rainbow pirate kitty.  I have been wearing it due to the subzero temperatures.
Dad and I shoveled the deck.  Look at the size of this icicle!
 This is me and my parents on Thanksgiving.  We had a nice dinner.  It was nice spending it with Grandma Judy & Uncle Colin.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Back in Utah with 20 inches of snow!

This  is me getting ready to go outside and shovel a foot of snow.....
I mainly jumped around in it while Mom did the work. (She needed the work out.)
It felt a lot like Christmas-so we put up lights and a tree.  I helped.
I have been spending a lot of time playing with my lego mini figures.  Here they are taking over Noah's ark.  I wasn't sure if Noah was a man or a woman.
My figures....
I have been talking to Dad via the computer.  He comes to Utah tomorrow for the Thanksgiving holiday.  I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I did get to see Tha tha for a little over a day.  We don't get to spend a lot of time together, but I try to take advantage of what time there is.  Tha tha and I cleared the deck of leaves.  It was fun.  I liked helping him.

 I really wanted to jump in this pile.  Mom said no....we had to pick it. up
Back at home-Dad and I tried smashing our pumpkins (no luck).  But we found out that they weren't decayed enough to do this.  I did smash the gingerbread haunted house.....That was FUN!
I did make a new gingerbread house for Christmas and a tree.  I asked Mom if I could smash those and she said:  "In January".  Whatever that means.

More later. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween-Not so fun

Halloween wasn't so great this year.  My favorite part of the day was seeing Kinsey, (Joan's dog) in her Halloween costume.
I thought this dog was so cute.  I hope Santa brings me a little dog like this.
 Before we went Trick-or-Treating, we had to drop Grandma Judy off at the PC ER for testing.  I had my kitty bag from last year.
 It was cool, but my costume was warm.
We got to down town Park City right before Trick-or-Treating started.  It got really crowded.
 I held onto Mom's hand so she had a hard time taking pictures.
 See what I mean about the crowds?
It was fun, but I only lasted 49 minutes and I told Mom that I was done.  Later Grandma Judy was transferred to the University of Utah hospital.  It turned out that she was ok and released on Tuesday, November 2nd.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hallo Eve

I had a much better time the day before Halloween.  Mom took me to the down town Park City park to play while Grandma Judy stayed at home for a rest.
I made a friend about my age-Allie.  Next to the park is the Miner's Hospital and they were having a Halloween carnival.
They had this big Frankenstein on the porch.  
 This is the Miner's Hospital.
 Inside there were lots of activities.  This witch wanted me to touch some stuff.
 These were supposed to be eyeballs.
Allie and I enjoyed the bowling.  I also really liked the bean bag toss.
After the carnival, I played Curious George games on Mom's computer.  She got me some head phones so it would be quiet.