We had a small party with my friends yesterday afternoon. Here are their mothers. Josh's mom is in the pink. Sabrina's Grandma is in the middle and Sabrina's Mom is in the blue.

Singing "Happy Birthday". We are having a Thomas the Train themed party.

I got this stroller form Kaden (Unfortunately, he and his Mom could not be here.) I ran off with it, threw in on the sofa and sat in it. I LOVE these things. I enjoyed playing with cousin Maya's strollers in Davis.

Sabrina wore my Daniel Boone hat. Isn't she pretty?

The cat got a ride in the stroller.

We happened to have a second stroller-Josh was having a blast with that one.

Sabrina finally got the strollers when Josh and I were diverted with something else.

After about and hour, I got overwhelmed and laid on Mommy & Daddy's bed. Mom is telling me that we have another party tonight.....