Finally after two months of throwing a fit at the local library story time, I decided to relax and enjoy.

I didn't cry at all. Even that little girl, Marianna, who BUGS me every time (she wants my lion and my snacks) did not bother me. I had a good time. I got to wear my new favorite shoes, my orange Crocs. They are comfortable and practical for a guy like me that likes to run into any body of water.

See? I am even smiling.

This Saturday the sun was out and the tide was in. I had no trouble collecting and throwing rocks into the Sound.

Satuday afternoon we went back to Megan's. Her boyfriend Patrick was having a reunion with his four sisters.

I spent over four hours playing with Dad, the twins and two other girls. It was fun. I had three servings of cheesy puffs for dinner.

Allie (one of the twins) had a habit of leaving her stuff all over the yard. Here is an 'A'.

My grandfather, Poppa, held one of those over sized umbrellas..

This is all the kids running around...

More of Allie's stuff. Mom was showing me her Barbie's. I looked and then ran off.

I even dressed just like Dad. No shirts!

Allie left her Crocs around the yard. They had pretty flowers. I was obsessed with wearing them for about 15 minutes. Large, but still comfortable.

I even danced in them. There was a lot of Michael Jackson music. I ended up taking a bath there and we left around 8 pm. It was a good evening. I always have fun at Aunt Megan's.