Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bureau of Fearless Ideas-Creative Writing Workshop

Today, I went with my old school friends from the Bridge School to The Bureau of Fearless Ideas in Seattle.  It was located inside and behind this shop.
 Their were 12 kids, 4 Moms and our KMVA teacher, Miss Newby.
At The Bureau of Fearless Ideas, or BFI , our hosts Zack  (black shirt on right) and Jeremy (very left) asked us to gather outside the store front.  They explained to us not to shoplift in the store and that they were going to take our picture on the way in for our book.
There's my back.  I have the blue sweater and the camo backpack.
 The backroom was large and it had 5 large tables and a gathering space.  We were asked to sit in the gathering space.
 Zack introduced all the other volunteers. Louie was writing down our story that we created as a team.  A young lady to the left of Zack wrote down our ideas on the white board, David to the right, illustrated our story.  There were at least 6 other helpers.
On the right side of the room, past David the illustrator their was a curtain.  Behind which was Geoduck Pubishing.  We could hear Mr. Geoduck yelling at Zack from behind this curtain.  Apparently Zack had recently been fired-but if Zack could produce 12 awesome stories (there were 12 kids...), his job could be saved!  Also, at this curtain, we had to stand on the dot and call for Harriet to turn in our stories.  Harriet was extremely shy and extremely hairy.  We only saw her arm.
 The curtain from the main gathering space.
Mom sat in back with Teacher Andrea, and Miss Newby (my 3 rd grade teacher) and Jaime.
The BFI not only taught creative writing, but tutors lots of Seattle kids.
 With Zack, we worked as a team creating characters, place and a plot, discussing the different parts of a story.  We wrote the start of the story as a team, then we were given a half and hour for us each to finish the story in our own way.  Our main characters were: Jemima the fighting mouse and Jake the winged boy who was afraid to fly.  There were  also some dragolfs (dragon wolf combination) and a dragoodle (dragon poodle....)  There was also a volcano. 
Above is the start of the story then we went to the tables to write.

We had a half hour to finish our creation, and then we had to give it to Harriet.  David called her.  Do you see her hairy hand?
We had to actually give it to her.
And then bow.
Tah dah!!!!!!
Our stories were then bounds and presented to each of us.
Oh, Zack used the R in my sweater to spell my name.

Bureau of Fearless Ideas Logistics-Getting Published!

At the very end of the workshop, Mr. Geoduck (The mysterious yelling voice from behind the curtain  and publisher) had something nice to say about ALL of our stories.