Saturday, October 17, 2015

3rd Grade so far...

This is my 3rd Grade Portrait!  We had pictures soon after school started.  I got my hair cut and my two upper front teeth fell out just days after this picture was taken.
See?  My hair is shorter now!  That's Andy (my friend-also 3rd Grade) and his older brother Elliot.  They come hone with me three days a week.  We also do karate together.
 My Mom, and Andy's Mom, Andrea (that's her above), parent volunteer in my class.  They teach art every other week on Friday afternoon's.  My Mom found the lesson on the internet and called it: "Spooky Trees".
Here are some of my new classmates and their projects... 

Here's mine!  I really like my new school, and my teacher, Miss Newby.