Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Theo Chocolate Factory in Fremont

The Bridge School went on a field trip to a local chocolate factory in Seattle.  Mom drove me and Aivlyn & Finley.  The parents had to find street parking and we all met at the factory entrance.
 (I am in the red coat with camo pants.)
 There were dinosaur bushes on the other side of the street.
Once inside, we had to wait for the tour guide.
Everyone on the tour had to wear a hair net.
Even Mom!
Once the tour started, we learn about chocolate trees and where they grow.  We got to taste chocolate.  I could only taste the dark chocolate (dairy allergy), and frankly, I thought it was horrible.  Mom liked it though.
AFter our talk, we got to go into the factory.  Everything was working, The roasting machine, grinding, sugar adding etc......

We ended up in Theo's shop, I didn't want a thing yuck!
My classmates seemed really happy.