Sunday, June 8, 2014

Goodbye First Grade!

 On the last day of the Bridge School  the kids were playing out in the play area.  Either Teacher Christie or Teacher Andrea was out watching the kids.  The other teacher came out and gave the outdoor teacher a hug.  All the kids then ran to the teachers and hugged them!  (you can see my back-I am wearing the purple shirt and the blue star shorts.)
  Mom was parked in front of the school finishing a hat for Malia, saw this event and took pictures.  Afterwards she dropped and broke her camera!

Golden Birthday!

I turned seven on the 7th!
(I should look happier!)  I had my party at the Tag Zone again in Des Moines.  My friends and I love this place.  Mom made everyone a nerf gun T-shirt as a take away gift.

Here are all the players and the Dad's that participated. (Only 3 mom's showed!)  It was a real man party!

Dad and I got hit, so we are sitting out waiting for the next round.
A quick happy birthday, a snack, and then back on the floor to shoot each other!

The two hours went by too quickly.
I opened Andy's present in the parking lot.
He gave me a punch card tot he tag zone and a journal for writing.  (I love to write.) It was a really fun party, but my parents and I came home tired.

Competition Day 2014

 Competition Day happens once a year at the Goju Karate dojo. It is an all day event.  I signed up for 4 events but was listed in all of them.  We came at 9:00am.  My group had to wait for the older kids to finish the fitness competition.  In our down time we ate and played our Nintendo DS's.
Sempai Aiden (Sensei's son) was my counter.  I had to do push ups, sit ups, jumps....

Run a race.  I came in first and won the gold medal in my age bracket!
I also did paddle pads,
and flag sparring.  I lasted until 2 o'clock and I was done.  I missed several events that I really like to do.  Mom said that next year we will arrive at noon and stay until it finishes.