Tuesday, May 20, 2014

First Grade Portrait

Our school pictures were taken really late this year on April 30th.  It happened to be the warmest day of day 2014, so I did NOT wear one of Mom's sweaters.  I decided to wear a bow tie because I wanted to look my best.  Mom tried talking me out of it, but I found one on my dance costume....

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tillicum Village

The older kids at my school studied native Americans last fall.  This field trip came from that, fortunately, the whole school was invited!  Mom and I carpooled with Teacher Andrea and her Family.  We were at Pier 55 forty minutes before the boat left.

 Forty minutes was a little too long.  I am behind my classmate in the orange shirt.  The sun was too bright!  Finally we got to board the boat!

Once on the boat, actors did a native American story for us about salmon.  We also learned that there are 296 islands in Puget Sound and in some places the Sound is over 1000 ft deep.

I liked being on a boat!  We went out of Elliot Bay onto Puget Sound.  It was a lot of fun.
We made it to Blake Island.  Supposedly this is where Chief Seattle was born .We got off the boat and walk into the Long House.
This is the Long House.
 Our hosts were smoking salmon in the traditional native American way!  Cool.
Huh?  You want to take my picture?
We got a traditional meal with mac and cheese.....the mac and cheese must have been because of all the kids.....I am allergic to both wheat and dairy.  Bummer.  It looked good.  After eating there was a show with more stories, costumes, masks, and dancing.  When that was over, I wanted
play on the really old play ground.  Mom and I had to chose our steps wisely to get to this area because it was covered in Canadian Goose poo!  Andy came out and I had a lot of fun.
Mom took this picture toward Vashon Island.  Mt. Rainier was hazy in the background.  Unfortunately her camera wasn't sensitive enough to pick it up!
Before we went, Mom took a lot of pictures of me in front of totem poles.
We got back on the boat and headed for downtown Seattle.  I had a good time.

We docked next to the big wheel.  Tomorrow we go to the local Farmer's Market.