Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hot for here!

Summer smacked Seattle hard at the end of June.  With temperatures in the upper 80's-low 90's.  Like most homes in the Pacific NW, we do not have air conditioning.  Fortunately, it does cool off at night.   Mom says that we have it better than other places across the country.  Well, I have been keeping cool.  Daily swimming sure does help.
 I am working hard to get into level 3.  My backstroke needs a little work.

 I am still taking swim class with my friend Jaylon.  We have been taking class together since last September.
 I am getting ready to go to the water park to meet my karate buddy, Arun.  Mom needs to put on sun screen.
 Arun kept getting cold and would stand out in the sun.  I tried to entertain him with my dancing.

 I had a really good time!  So good, I am going back today!

  Arun and I will do this an hour before karate today.  I cannot 