Friday, August 24, 2012

King Tut Exhibit

Mom was super excited about going to see the King Tut exhibit.  She really wanted for me to see a mummy. Since I find monsters (a mummy is in that category) interesting, I decided to humor her.
How could I tell her no?  She looked so happy.
There were a lot of items made of stone.
This is a cat sarcophagus.
There was jewelry.....
An archaeologist's tent....

Here are some of the amazing things in King Tut's tomb...but then we ended up in the gift shop.  Mom looked kind of mad-there was no mummy.  No King Tut.  They should have called the exhibit: "King Tut's things."
I said: "Mom, how about some fiberglass Egyptian statues?" She was not interested in those.
Outside the gift shop we found this:
A replica of King Tut's remains.
There was also an interactive camera of what look like the actual tomb in the Valley of the Kings.