Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Cult of "F" and Valentine's Day

When Mom picked me up from Darcy Read Co-op pre-school today I came home with an "F" on my forehead.
Mom asked if I joined a cult or something.
I told her that it was more of a gun club than a cult.....just kidding.  We started the letter F at school today.  I have an F on my forehead and an F on my foot.  Fortunately teacher Shannon had the good sense to use a washable marker as opposed to a Sharpe.
Yesterday was Valentine's Day.  We had a party.  We frosted cookies, and gave cards and candy to all of our classmates.
Here is my box!
It was hard getting my hand in there....but I managed to get the candy out,oh yes, and the cards.....
It was fun.