Sunday, July 24, 2011

The sun has finally made an appearance!

 Dance class is going well. Mom signed me up for the fall.  If I keep with it, I will have a recital next year!
Peeking out of the class room.
Action ball throwing shot at the dog park.  It's still grey and I am still wearing my coat.
The sun finally came out.  The dogs did a little indoor sun bathing.
This morning, Mom, Dad and I went out to breakfast.  I ate 2-1/2 slices of toast.  We also got to see a train go by.
I plan on working on my farmer's tan later today......

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Quiet Summer

Although the summer continues to be cool, we have had a couple of "hottish" days.   I like to enjoy a tray of Lego ice men to cool me down.
Mom and I got this book from the library.  I LOVE it.  It's like a Where's Waldo, but with cute Chaffys.  I asked Mom to make me one.
There it is, all finished.  A second Chaffy book was just published, so we will definitely have to buy this and add it to my personal library.
Grandma Judy came for a quick visit.  We took her to a bead store.  We both had fun looking at all the beads and buttons.
I liked the buttons.
After awhile I got antsy.  I wanted to go to the Lego shop and play in the play area.
I ran into the Disney store to check out this bejeweled palace.  I wasn't interested in the Car's stuff.  My parents tried taking me to "Cars 2", two weekends to go, and halfway through the movie, I asked to leave.
I started my summer dance class.  I am a follower of the teachings of Miss Hightower.  I go Monday evenings.  Mom has to sit out in the hall watching me on a closed circuit TV.  
My neighbor Lilly met me at the mall where we drove a race car together.
Before Grandma Judy left, we spent some time at my Lego table.