Monday, June 13, 2011


We had my party at Super Party Jump Zone (that's a mouthful).  Kids my age love to bounce!
Even cousin Maddox came!
Dad played with the kids and Mom played with the parents.
Mom decided to come down the super fast slide with me-it was a blast!
Even Mom thought so!  We were all so tired after the party, I just quietly played with my new Batman stuff.  It was a good party.

Breakfast with Gabbi

Gabbi came over on Friday and Mom took us out to breakfast at Wild Wheat.  Mom wanted to buy bread for my birthday party.  Gabbi & I both ordered pancakes.
Gabbi was funny.
We also drove to the off leash park.  Pasta had stinky breath and kept breathing over us!
We took turns throwing the ball until it got lost in the tall grass.
We looked but we couldn't find it.
We ended up walking on top of the logs.  It was fun.  We will go back next week.


My 4th birthday was on a cold and miserable day.  I woke up and got to open presents before Dad left for work.  I got three Lego sets.  One is this white palace from the Prince of Persia (I love men in turbans and curved swords).  The other was a pyramid, for Indiana Jones to explore.
It even has a snake pit!  Cool!
The third set, I decided to exchange for Batman imaginext toys.  I love Batman, but unfortunately, Lego no longer makes Batman stuff.  I heard mom say that there was no way she was going to spend $300 on Lego batman sets on ebay.
I loved playing with my toys.  My local grandparents came over to celebrate my birthday with dinner and cake.

Although we stayed indoors most of the day-I had a really good one!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's June!-it's kind of getting warm.....

On June 3rd the sun was really bright.  The sky was really blue and the grass was really green.  Mom took pictures at the dog park.
Pasta, our big dog still comes too.  Next month she turns 17.  A rare age even for a large breed mix.
I like getting a drink from the fountain too, I just get more water on my shirt than in my mouth.

Mom tried getting some nice photos of me in with all the surrounding natural color.  I wasn't very cooperative.
 This one is okay.
Still walking!
Later we went over to Kaden's house and I had a blue lollipop.  It matched my shirt!