Friday, August 28, 2009

End of summer

My parents and I went down to the Sound yesterday evening. Dad helped me walk across a huge log.

I have been spending my August days playing with my friends. I apologize for the lack of photographs, but my photographer got lazy. She kept forgetting the camera at home. I have higher expectations for September.
This is Rae, she is the really friendly cat that lives next door to my friend Kaden.
Kaden is much better at sharing than I am. He let me sit on his bike.
I pushed him on his big wheels.
I love playing with Una. We took her to the vet yesterday. All four of her pointy canine teeth are broken......I wonder how that happened?

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I played cars with Tha tha this morning. It was a lot of fun!
I am learning how to use the camera. Lion is my favorite subject.
I took a picture of Mom too.
We found a Park City fire engine.
I have played at a lot of parks. This place is kid friendly.
Grandma Judy and a duck at the zoo, and no, nothing bad happened.
There was a baby giraffe.
The mommy giraffe is feeding the baby.
The holyhocks between Grandma Judy's house and Mary Jane's are beautiful.
it's been cool here. I am actually wearing my coat!