Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not feeling well

We have been having record heat around here. I have a low grade fever. This is me after my mother threw me in a cool bath because I had a temperature of 101. My extremities got really cold so Mom threw on some baby legs. I have barely eaten anything. This is me having a bite or two of an old fashioned doughnut. I am also taking Tylenol.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Swimmer diapers hold no pee

It's been so HOT here that we went to Seahurst Beach this morning. My parents dressed me in a swim suit complete with swimmer diaper. Before we even made it into the water, I had a fit and my mother ended up carrying me. This is what I did to her shirt........
Yup. All those wets spots are courtesy of me. Basically, those swimmer diapers aren't supposed to absorb. So little kids are still peeing in the pool. Comforting thought.
Dad and I finally made it into the cool water.
I even peed on Dad.

Smart Cars

I have two Matchbox Smart Cars. I love them because they are little and cute. My parents finally took me to see and touch some real Smart Cars.
I got to sit in the driver's seat.
They can park a whole bunch of Smart Cars in a small area.
This was a lot of fun.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I am ok!

Here I am with both Grandmother's in the same room! I don't want to take a picture with them!
Grandma Judy tried to spell my name but we didn't have enough R's. So I am Rowan Blacksheep.
TWO PACIFIERS in one mouth!
I don't mind sharing with Kaden, unless it's cars, trains, balls, bicycles.......
I am liking the slides again. I would not go down them for quite awhile. Those are my feet.
There's Sabrina.
Sabrina's Grandma is from Siberia, but she understands the international symbol for "owie". My poor finger.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is it the Zoo or is it me?

This is how my Zoo trip ended.
It started out great! This morning we went to Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. Dad touched a peacock.
These things were weird.
The slide was a little slow. But I enjoyed it.
I got to brush a goat!
There were so many to brush! It was goat heaven.
The plants were very pretty.
Grandma Judy liked the Muskox.
I saw a reindeer.
Dad and I liked the penguins. But alas, our fun was soon to end.....
I fell on my head AGAIN! This is us up at first aid. It all brought back memories of the Salt Lake City Zoo in March where I scraped the skin off my nose.
The Tacoma fire department came to assess my injury to see if I needed to go to the emergency room. They said that my eyes looked ok and I responded correctly. Of course, if I were to start projectile vomiting, that I was go to the emergency room right away.
I took a nap, and I seem to be fine. I am taking it a little easier this evening. But I have to ask? Is it the combination of my Mother & Grandma Judy that brings back luck at zoo's? Or, is it Zoo's on hill sides? Woodland Park Zoo is fairly flat and I haven't fallen there.....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cautionary Tale

This is about my pacifier not my fashion sense (blame my mother, she dresses me.) Yup, I am now a cautionary tale. My friends' mothers (that are having babies) are staying away from pacifiers because I can't seem to get rid of mine. My parents are trying to 'hold' it more often. Dr. Elahi said that it will not be a problem until I am three.
See Mom took my pacifier, so now I am chewing on this hand rail.
I have been spending the last week outside playing with my friends.
I enjoy a good ball hug which is more common in Washington State not to be confused with the tree hug in Oregon State.
Here I am under a good tree to hug, having a snack.
Dad and I have been hitting the park after he comes home from work.