Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seahurst Park

This is a park that my Dad used to come too a lot as a teenager. I can see why. It has a lot of fun stuff.
My favorite park is this fresh water stream that empties into the Sound. It's sooo much fun to splash in. Sabrina loved it too. She even sampled the sand and rocks.
Kaden wasn't into the water so much. He watched.
Rocks and shovels are fun too. The water is cold, but that doesn't keep me out of it. Mom just brings extra clothes so I do not freeze to death.
This is me right be fore bed. Dad is trying to get me interested in 'Samurai Jack'.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I can say "Rowan"

After months of calling myself "baby", I can finally say Rowan! Please ignore the yellow glow that is my bath tub.

Monday, April 20, 2009

School Pictures

Here is my first school photo taken at the Burien Cooperative Preschool. I was feeling serious that evening.
This was the class picture. Hard to believe that it was so chaotic to produce. Remember this scene below from late February. I was one of the big criers.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mom Knits me stupid stuff

My Mom knit me this cat sweater vest-it's ok. I really do like cats....I am teething, hence the drool.
She also knit this fake raccoon hat. It's pretty funny. Unfortunately it does not stay on my head.
You can see the tail....
Yesterday was nice, so we went to the park. I liked these little purple flowers.

Una came too. She's a good 'kid' dog.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Egg Hunts

This was me at preschool last week. I hadn't been there in three weeks! I missed the place. I played the piano while the other kids ate their snacks.
I went to my first egg hunt in Burien on Friday. Mom took me to the far side of the garden so I had a bout 5 minutes until the bigger kids came over to my area. I took to egg collecting like I was a natural.
Here are the bigger kids-but I had a good stash of eggs already.
That afternoon, we did another egg hunt at Sabrina's house. Kaden was there too. We had a nice time.
I got a lot of eggs. (I took most of Sabrina's-she's younger so she didn't quite get the egg thing.)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good Weather! Out at the Parks!

It hasn't been raining here for several days and the highs have been in the 60's-so my friends and I have been getting out to the parks. Yesterday we went to Salt Water State Park. We played in the sand, ate watermelon and threw rocks on the slide. Good Times!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fire Station & Carson's Birthday

As part of Carson's birthday celebration, there was a tour at the local fire house. Of the kids invited, I was in the middle age wise. Carson was turning 3. I woke up on the wrong side of the crib so I was feeling a little fragile when we got to the fire house.
I hung back and let the bigger kids interact with the firemen/women and the fire trucks.
That's Carson in the glasses. He doesn't really need them.
I took my time checking things out. Eventually I had a good time.
This truck is HUGE!
I liked the ambulance too.
This fireman scared me. He tried to be nice. But I wouldn't have it.
Back at Carson's house, I got to play with his toys.
The older kids liked Yo Gabba Gabba Dance Party. I wasn't into it.
I tried helping Carson open his gifts (he was the helpful young man who opened most of my gifts at my first birthday.) But Carson was all over it. It was a fun afternoon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

On the Moon

As you can see, I went to the moon today. It was cold and the lack of air....ok, I am at the Museum of Flight.
Here I am trying to do a fake lunar walk with my buddy Kaden watching. I actually made it on tot he display before my mother caught me.
Kaden and I ran up the ramp. My friends Josh and Sabrina were some where around here too.
I liked pushing the buttons.....not as fun as pushing Mom's buttons....
And I got to climb into a little plane. The time we spent there was short, but fun.