Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back in Washington

Sorry, not much to post last week. I was sick. I managed to fly home on March 24th. Mother told me that was the WORST that I had ever been on a flight. And I have flown a lot. I wasn't really social last week either. I spent a lot of time with Mom hanging out. My crankiness has carried into this week too. Mom took me to the doctor today-and I am very healthy. All my problems at this point are behavioral.

Grandpa or "Pa pa" spent some time with me. My nose is looking better.

Aunt Megan had a dinner party. I went. There were a lot of other bigger kids. I palyed with Paxton's cars. I took one home........see what I mean about behavioral problems?

More Later. It's spring break around here so a lot of things are not happening this week.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Utah Zoo-Fun!

We went back to the Zoo today. We had all these unused tickets for rides. I was optimistic that this time would be a better experience than last Thursday.
Here's the entrance....
This is where my accident (The face smear) happened.
Grandma Judy made sure that it didn't happen again. On hills I was strapped into the stroller.
We saw the big cats. Here was the leopard.
We rode the merry-go-round.
The little train....
And I got to run back and forth on my favorite bouncy bridge. I got this cool sippy cup. I had it refilled three times. It was a good morning.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grandma Judy makes me work!

My nose looks worse. It's that dried blood color. My forehead looks bad too, but my bangs cover it. These potato chips are good...
This morning I lined all the cars up on the window sill.
This afternoon grandma Judy wanted to remove the glacier on her deck. She gave me a shovel
And taught me to throw snow over the edge. We got it cleared away. Hopefully I can play out there tomorrow. It gets nice ans warm in the sun.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Utah Zoo-not that much fun

The sun is bright here. Mom put some sunscreen on me and tried to make me wear this hat-all of 2 seconds!....There were lots of little kids at the zoo today.
Today I saw penguins, llamas, zebras, bears, & monkeys until I did a nasty face plant.
Yup, fell right on my face. Scraped the heck out of my nose. My forehead isn't looking so wonderful either. We went to first aid. All they did was let my mother wipe my face down with an antiseptic, and tried giving me an ice pack. I do not do ice packs. Even though I got some Motrin, I wanted to leave.
I fell asleep the short trip up the canyon to Park City.
Here I am this afternoon. I am ok, although I still look pretty bad.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Sound

It was so nice, warm & sunny after nap time, Mom took me down to Puget Sound. We live 3/4 of a mile away from a State Park that has a beach. It was low tide.
The sand was fun.
But the water was much better. I managed to get ice cold Pacific Ocean water down both my boots.
I want to do this again!


It's been sunny all week but today was finally warm-ish. We got out and went to the park.
Una comes with us because she doesn't eat children and she minds my mother.
This is me at gymnastics last night. I had to leave early. I just wasn't myself.
Dad and I play with my stuffed animals. I still like to stack them in a big pile and then jump on top.
We made a fort and threw the animals on top. What fun!

Friday, March 6, 2009


I have started this gymnastics class with Kaden. Check out my summersault!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I love running around naked after my bath! Mom was having a hard time dressing me. I have a hard time staying still.
I also make a lot of noise! My mouth maybe small, but I can project as good as any Shakespearian actor.
I still enjoy throwing myself on the laundry. My Dad is tickling me here.
These are my friends Josh and Sabrina-you have to watch out for Josh, he's a ladies man and he only just turned two. I prefer to hit Sabrina and play with my fluffy cats and trucks.