Thursday, February 26, 2009

Picture Night at Preschool

It was picture night at Preschool. I was the first to get my pictures taken. I would not smile at the photographer. Grandma Jeanie thought the photographer could have done a better job. He only had a stuffed monkey to try and get kids to look. It took a plastic airplane for me to sit and get an ok picture. I will post it when I get it.
Even though I was really tired I did enjoy parts of preschool. (It's from 6:00-7:30 pm).
Mom and me.
I watched Sylas play with the guinea pig. (Grandma is in the background)
This was the group photo towards the end of class. Mom said something about herding cats... Fortunately, I wasn't the only making a lot of noise. Check out Asha in the lower right corner. It was not fun. Mom, Grandma and I left after that. I was really tired.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I wasn't feeling 100% yesterday, but Mom's friend, Andrea (from graduate school) was in town. We met at the Seattle Zoo. Above is Andrea, with her daughter Hazel. Hazel is 4 months younger than myself.
I kept hitting my head for some reason, but here is a moment where I was fine and checking out the fish.
There was a baby gorilla.
Zebras-off in the distance.
A peacock-I really wanted to pet him. Mom wouldn't let me. This is Hugh, Andrea's son, moving away from the peacock.
Hazel & I looking at the lions.

I really liked this squirrel. He got close. He jumped into my stroller to eat some cheese crackers that I left in there. I found it very entertaining.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not Well

This is me on Wednesday-I had a slight cough.
This is me Thursday evening. I wasn't feeling so great. This sitting on the couch rarely happens. I am usually too busy.
This is me Saturday Morning (I looked like this Friday morning too.). I have a slight fever, a runny nose and a little cough. I am barely eating anything-if I wasn't wearing diapers, my pants would fall off.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hanging with the boys!

Hi! Here I am holding hands with my guy friends (Josh, on the left & Kaden, on the right). We went to Ikea this morning. We did 100% boy things like trying to climb furniture, running away from our Moms and drinking from sippy cups. We are all getting over a cough-I'm the last to catch it, so I am eating less then I normally do. But trying to have fun and stay busy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monsters & Cooking

This is my monster shirt.
Monsters say: " BRAWAAA!!!!"
Mom has me working in the kitchen already.
I better make sure this tastes ok-because I am really PICKY.
Wow, that's good!
Grandpa and Grandma Jeanie came over for dinner. Grandpa showed me his new trick. Rubber duckie nose! Grandma ended up staying and putting me to bed because Mom had to take Dad to the Emergency Room. Apparently, my father has been abusing the consumption of water. Dad thought he was dehydrated when his sodium levels were just extremely low. He's ok, so don't worry.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bubbles at Storytime

My buddies Kaden , Josh, and I are trying to get the bubbles. The girl, the one in the lavender sweater, was the one that clocked me in the head with the bean filled egg.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So Mom drags me to the local library every Tuesday morning for story time. Today was nuts, it was packed! I have never seen so many little kids and their parents jammed into this room.
Here's the librarian. I find her stuffed baby scary. I was feeling shy and just sitting on Mom's lap for the first 10 minutes.
Then, I decided to party! My buddy Kaden was there. Sure we slap each other around, but I love him.
This is so much fun! Come on Kaden, Josh, let's PARTY!
Josh is four months older than I am, but just to illustrate how tall and skinny I am....heck, I am moving into everything 2T-see you 18-24 months-Oh, check out my new camo shoes. Those are the ones we bought during the "missing lion" incident.
This is so much fun!
I'm even eating the name tags! It's not even mine, some kid named Isaac.
Ok, I need a break. The floor's getting crowded.
Oh bubbles! I am back out there! Whoo wee!
This is where it ended. This girl, picked up that pink plastic egg near my hand (It's full of beans) and clonked me in the head with it. Anyway, we checked out some books and left.


Mom and I went shopping for shoes the other day. My lion came in with me to the store-but didn't come out. I blame my mother. I screamed my head off going to bed last night because he wasn't there. Fortunately, she found him and we picked him up this morning.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pushing Things

I got up this morning and pushed my cars around.
We left fairly early this morning to head down to Salt Lake. One of the hot air balloons was landing.

We went to the Discovery Center. I liked sitting with the balls.
I REALLY enjoyed pushing this chicken around in the stroller.
Wasn't so keen on the horse.
I fell asleep on the way home. Had a 25 minute nap and then would not go back to sleep. I learned house to push snow from Paul (Mary Jane's husband). Mom said this was a good skill for me to know since I am part Minnesotan.
This is harder than it looks.
I got to love up Jaxs the dog before we went home.
No! This is not me sleeping at 6:40 in the evening. Mom decided to take me upstairs and put me to bed. I plan on waking up extra early tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sunny the Cat

We went to visit Leigh Ann today. She has a cat named Sunny. I LOVE cats. For some reason, Sunny wasn't that into me.
I followed Sunny all over the shop. "Hi kitty! You're so soft."
"I found you hiding in the socks! I LOVE petting you! Why do you keep making that growly sound?" Sunny made my afternoon. I was having a hard day and she cheered me up.

I finally got one of these shirts, but this 24 month size is fitting me more like an 18 month size. Oh well, I have a couple of weeks.

Field House

This is the kind of indoor space that I get to play in at the field house. It's about the size of a soccer field.
Here are some of the jumpy things.
This is me on the slide. Mom throws me up on the top because I can't seem to climb up yet.
It's fun. But after you go down this a couple of times, your hair sticks up.

The field house is also good for stealing other kids toys. I got about 10 minutes with this truck.
This ball was fun too. I just ran around with it. Mom is taking me every day. I take a good nap then.