Sunday, January 25, 2009

Up to date

Aunt Megan, Patrick, the Twins and Grandma & Grandpa came over for dinner last night. We try and do this once a month. Aunt Megan is spending a little one on one time with me.As of today-these are the letters and numbers that I recognize.
Grandma Jeanie came with me to preschool two and a half weeks ago. We counted cats. Check out my shirt-it's really wet, I did that at the water table.
There it is-before the shirt got wet. Yes, I even drank of it's waters.

I got a change of clothes for the last half hour of class. Here I am playing with the tiger, although I find myself mysteriously drawn to the cow again and a again.

Friday, January 23, 2009

January is such a long month

This is how perky my Mom is on the morning after nights I have woken her up. Fortunately, Dad got her a cup of coffee. Although I don't look it, I'm ready to go!
Preschool this week was fun as usual. I pet the fluffy bunny.
I played the piano.....
Messed around on the water table with Emmanuel.....
And of course, played with the trains. I LOVE trains.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Looking for trouble in Normady Park

My tiny friends, and I went to Marvista Park looking for trouble. We tried shredding the golf course like lawn with our little shoes.
Kaden slapped the heck out of the metal bench. Bang bang bang!
"No Mom, Ms. Bladuesher, we aren't doing anything wrong. We are perfect angels..."
Sabrina tried wearing out the slide by going down it. Woohoo! Can't wait to come back this summer with our off road tricycles and chalk.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ro Zilla

I love playing knock the blocks down with Dad. It's a fun, low key event before bedtime.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Letters & Numbers

Yesterday we went grocery shopping. I have been pointing out symbols that I see. There's a huge sign with a #2 on it. I love pointing to it and saying: "two"! Oh, I got Mom to open an unpaid for bag of Pirate's Booty.If you have not tried Pirate's Booty, you do not know what you are missing.
I got this in the mail yesterday. Great Aunt Peggy funded it. She wanted to get me something that I really wanted. I have been really interested in numbers and letters since mid December. This is only part of it. More magnetic letters are coming, so we can eventually spell words.
I had a really good time playing with them-until I started throwing the blocks. Then my parents started getting agitated. What's up with them?

Above are the letters and numbers that I can recognize. The letter 'I' should be in there too, I have already misplaced it. I bet one of the dogs ate it.......Yesterday, I actually watched Sesame Street. It was about the letter G and the number 9.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


It has been raining really hard for the past day and a half. This is unusual for Seattle-the average rain here is lighter. Parts of the yard are starting to flood. I got my rain gear on to play outside for a little while.
I enjoy a good puddle.
It provided a lot of entertainment. I protested when Mom took me in.

Preschool was fun last night. I played with the trains but no longer exclusively. Now that I have them at home-I am exploring all that the Burien Cooperative has to offer. I played with thw stuffed animals.....And I played with the scarves....more later.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year

I have been busy. Here is a more" architectural" snuggle pit. I just love those small spaces filled with stuffed animals!I have been eating celery. I kind of look like a thing from the deep...

Here's a close up on that in case you could not see the tentacles.

I love playing with my magnetic letters. I can already recognize at least six.
I love playing with my kitty. It hisses occasionally, but for the most part, it enjoys a good life with me. I also play a ton with my wooden trains. I like my Elmo Live, but Mom has kept it in the off position for awhile (It made me cry). I really enjoy reading books and now, I am very interested in letters. Mom needs to start taking more pictures of me. She has been slacking.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

California Cousins

I got to spend two days with my cousins Zach & Xander. They are pretty nice to me. This one is Xander.
This one is Zach.
This is the three of us having yet another Christmas. ( I am not complaining.)
Here we are at the local Starbucks, with Dad. I had a chocolate donut.