Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oh Mother! How I humor you.

My Mom really likes this holiday called "Halloween". I do not know what's so great about it. SHe really likes to look at Halloween decorations-she tried to get me into it, but I have another interest......

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am walking very well. I do fall into things from time to time.
Hmmmm. What do I want to play with?
I still love my lion. I am starting to drag him around so he's getting dirty.
We went back to Aunt Megan's this past weekend. There are a whole bunch of hot wheels there (They belong to Patrick's son, Paxton). I LOVE hot wheels! Paxton gave me two cars.
I like to stack food in my pick up trucks. They are good for hauling grapes! More later!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Uncle Dalai

Hi everyone, as many of you know His Holiness the Dalai Lama was in Seattle recently. This is a picture of him and me talking about the eternal nature of the soul. On an unrelated note, my dad has been playing around with image editing software recently.

Preschool cont....

Ho w funny! Last week I was crawling at preschool and this week I am walking! Except, I managed to crawl through the big puddle that is not in this picture.
Mom! Look! Some kid left his chalk habit here! And I thought this was a good school!
This is interesting.....
I also got to play in Carvana again!
Back at home-I love spending time with my Lion. Grandma Judy also sent me this cool peek a boo Clifford book that I really enjoy. Thanks!


This week at preschool I really enjoyed these soft blocks. I would put them in the bin
and then get them out of the bin....
I also got over my aversion to sand.
I don't know what I was thinking? This stuff is fun! I can get so dirty. I even managed to get it in my hair. My mother found some in my diaper afterwards, when we got home. Maybe that's why I was so cranky towards the end of preschool...
Sand was even fun in this dump truck! I look forward to playing in it again!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Shindig at Aunt Megan's

Aunt Megan & Patrick had a big House warming party on Saturday. Hidi and my future girlfriend, Veta were there.
Aunt Megan really cleaned the place up. It's a nice little craftsman home in West Seattle. Mom's jealous.
Mom painted clouds on the ceiling int he kid's room last month-in Aunt Megan's house..
Here are the three of us-myself, Mom & Aunt Megan.
Veta & I hung out outside. I can't believe that she wanted my monster truck! The Party was fun and there turned out to be a lot of little kids. We stayed for 2-1/2 hours. By the time we got home, I took a quick bath and was ready for bed.

Strange Happenings

Paper Towel Henge appeared in our dining room this weekend. Mom said that ancient druids must have built it.
These "shoes" also appeared. They are different from the leather slippers that I have been wearing since I was born.....They are a little strange. I asked Mom if the Druids built these too, she said no.
Grandma Judy also sent me this new sleeper. It's a little constricting. You think they would have made it so kids could move a little easier in them. No wonder this thing was sold in TJ Maxx! It's defective!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Burien Cooperative Preschool II

I really liked the cart.
I also got to ride int he car with Finnley. I'm not so sure about him...I got here first.
Can you believe Mom wanted to take me inside? Hey, I don't want to go much more clear do I have to be?
I ate a snack with Dad. I didn't touch the juice at all, yuck!
We ended the evening by playing with these scarves and singing songs. I am looking forward to next Wednesday night!

Burien Cooperative Preschool I

My folks enrolled me in the Fireflies class. It's a bunch of one year olds. I'm one of the younger ones. Everyone, but Ada and I can walk. Oh well. It was a lot of work. I started the evening out by painting....That's out teacher, Yon next to me.
So, you think I made those brush strokes on the paper? Wrong! The kid before me did. I added my mark......
by dumping the teal paint on the floor. My mother whisked me away to.....
CAR VANA!!!!!!! Oh, look at that truck, that car, that airplane....I cried when my folks made me leave to go play outside.
I quickly latched on to the shopping cart. It helped me to get around.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I went down the curly slide too by myself.
Here is a close up shot of the action!
My hair stands up straight after I go down. That's a look.
Oh-check out my forehead. I banged the crap out of it earlier in the day. Just so you know, the sides of crib are hard, not soft. Checkout the video.....

I Can Slide all by Myself!

Finally! I am brave enough to go down the slide by myself!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is a Snuggle Pit?

So glad you asked! A snuggle pit is where you are in an enclosed space surrounded by stuffed animals! I love the snuggle pits!
This is at Ikea. They have lots of fun stuff in the Jr. Section.
Oh look! A Barnslig snuggle pit! (Maia-what does Barnslig mean?)
I spent yesterday evening with Grandma & Grandpa. They photographed me walking down the hall!

Almost there!

Monday, September 1, 2008