Monday, January 28, 2008

Aqua boy!

Guilty Pleasures

I love a hot bath! It always improves my mood. If I am the biggest grump, dump me in the tub and I transform to "happy baby".
My safety duck tells me when the water is hot. Mom's trying to cook me. Yes, that is harvest gold behind me. My parents tell me that our house was built during the 1970's. Nice.
I learned this from grandpa Norm...this happens to be my Dad. Sometimes there is no mattress like warm grown up.
And of course, there is nothing like a good bottle of warm breast milk. Yum! Although I am beginning to tolerate pears with mangos.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dog Ball

This is one of my favorite things. I sit in front of my Dad and he throws balls down the corridor. The dogs run after them and for the most part, retrieve them. It's hilarious!
Una is best at bringing the ball back. Pasta has lost her edge, and I don't think Lily ever really enjoyed bringing the ball back.
This looks good to chew on........
I hate this hat! I look SILLY!
I think my eyes are turning brown......more on that in 2 months.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Action & Rest

I can roll really fast! I am working on my crawling skills, but they aren't there yet. I like rolling to things like the DVD player, Mom's breast pump and other things with wires! I recently got my very own remote control.
Some times I fall asleep in the middle of playing. Either that, or my folks are seriously neglecting me.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Seven Months

Wow, I am seven months today! Check out my sweater knit by my Great Aunt Jackie. It's a fair isle of her own design. I am starting to sit, but still no teeth. I still am not fond of solid food.

Interested in the details....

Recently, I have been noticing the details. My new obsession are tags. They are so very interesting. These are large tags.
Ooo, a small tag.
I love the snaps on Daddy's favorite pullover.
Tags......hours of fun.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Aunt Megan's good friend got married in Leavenworth. It's located on the eastern side of the Cascades, so there's lots of snow. This was our hotel. It was spread out in the forest.
Aunt Megan & Patrick at the wedding. This is Bear, she is the bride's dog.
I got cranky, so Mom, Aunt Megan, and another brides maids danced with me at the reception until I fell asleep.

Christmas in Utah

Hanging out with Uncle Shanth...he makes me nervous.
I LOVE Aunt Kelly. She speaks baby.
This Christmas thing is strange. I am all about the paper!
Spending time with Tha tha.
Grandma Judy has a special drawer for me in her kitchen. Fascinating!

Utah was good. There was lots of snow. I can't wait to learn how to ski!