Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Getting fat

Does this onesie make me look fat?

All dressed up for a trip to the park.

I got my first oral vaccine today, yum.

And my first shot, OUCH!

I weighed in at 12 pounds 5 ounces this morning; I am getting fat!

I have discovered my super power. I am able to tinkle around my diaper and clothes directly on to my dad's shirt. I'm not sure what this power is called, but dad says I'm a "pisstidigitator".

Things are good as usual. Mom received a milk-pump from one of my fans, so now I can enjoy milk from a bottle. This lets dad and grandparents provide full service, which is great for all of us. It also lets mom get more sleep.

Auw gwau,

Sunday, July 15, 2007

From Ro's dad

Hi all, I'm Josh, Rowan's dad. I expected to love my new son and to want the best for him. I did not anticipate how intimate the relationship with him would be. I feed him, clean him, and keep him safe. Neither of us has secrets or ulterior motives. We communicate with few words, and the words aren't needed. We can't lie to each other. I've never been closer to anyone else.

Jenna, Rowan's mom, is amazing. She worries and frets constantly caring for our boy. She gives up sleep, misses meals, and suffers all the little pains of being a mom. When she holds him in her arms and he is at ease, her face just glows. That's what love looks like.

I'm still here

Good morning everyone. Sorry for the delay since my last posting. All is well. I continue to grow, my legs are dangling out of my seats and swings. Judging from my chins I'm getting chubby too.

I'm getting plenty of rest. Dad is sooo relaxing.

Is it possible I'm even cuter now?!

I can see! Mobiles are cool.

More soon,